Rohit Biddappa
Enterprise Marketing &
Communications Professional
“My superpower is my keenness to always learn. While the Internet offers unsurpassed free educational content, we also learn & grow by absorbing information. Knowledge is the fundamental tool of human evolution & improvement and luckily available all around us, should we chose to see and embrace it. Knowledge allows us to empower others by imparting domain & life skills, as well as nurturing values such as empathy, integrity, patience, forgiveness and so on.”
Rohit uses his superpower to give back through knowledge sharing sessions on sales, marketing, branding and communications.
If you would also like to give back through knowledge sharing, mentoring or coaching, talk to us. We’ll help you make a difference!
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Be a part of a movement that powers social change where it really matters.
Be a Dragonfly! Connect with us!
Make a world of Difference
We, at Dragonflies Everywhere, are all about supporting social change at the grassroots world over. We design and run regular knowledge sharing and learning support programs with the intention of bringing qualitative knowledge and information to projects at the grassroots.
At present, we have two running programs:
Wellness And Management Expertspeak :
These are bimonthly webinars with thought leaders and subject matter experts on diverse topics pertaining to Health, Hygiene and Wellness as well as Business and Project Management skills that are open to projects world over. Do check our announcements for details of our next webinar!
Mentoring & Coaching For Projects:
Our Mentoring and Coaching program leverages on our volunteer base to support projects founders and key management personnel with time bound, goal oriented coaching and mentoring support on specific topics and subjects for greater operational efficiency, better representation and greater impact. The programs are designed after considering the unique needs of each qualifying project, and in consultation with the project founder as well as the designated coach or mentor. Talk to us to find out more!